Project Mother Earth

Mother Earth is our living sphere asset where we humans, plants and animals grow and lives. We owe to our planet and our youth has tremendous potential to serve it and save it from climate crisis. We are trying to build a community in Schools which is dedicated to work for Environment. Initiatives involving notions of environmental education and scientific education stimulate in schools, using practical and dynamic activities undertake with pupils. Each activity has a specific organization, with its own goals, targets, and a schedule for completing tasks, as well as participation by the pupils involved. The variety of activities allowed pupils to be assigned according to their specific skills and interests. The aim of the project is to foster commitment in pupils in their day-to-day performance of activities, thereby helping create habits in accordance with an environmental and scientific education. The implementation of this project affords the pupils the opportunity to plan actions which would allow ideas to be put into practice, turning them into reality. As well as teaching them subject matter from the curriculum, the actions undertaken also enable the teaching of auxiliary strategies to promote better eating habits and minimize the amount of organic waste discarded. Earth Quiz and activities contribute towards making the school not just a place for formal education, but also a centre for teaching and disseminating measures that could yield immediate results in terms of raising the quality of life of the school community. Snayu Ngo is dedicated towards the practical approach of teaching Environmental Science which help to cultivate environment friendly lifestyle habits in our youngsters. These students can also volunteer and became an integral part of Snayu Ngo as Snayu Scouts, and contribute to our MOTHER EARTH!

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